Mini CPD Workshop in the Café Thérapeutique Series

Equivalent to 2 CPD Points (2 hrs Study)

    1. Introduction to Café Thérapeutique by Dr Sue Pattison

    2. Introduction to Suicide Ideation and Suicide Intent

    1. Suicide: Statistics, Intent and Attempt

    2. The Bridge Between Suicide and Life

    3. Test your learning

    1. More resources for you

    2. Congratulations for completing this short CPD course, see what's next......

About this course

  • £12.99
  • 7 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Live Meetings and Online Content

When a live meeting is available the price includes this online content, but it is also a standalone mini workshop. Live meetings will be advertised through EventBrite when available and the link will be displayed on this page and to get this workshop free, book through the EventBrite link.